
A Praise Dedicated to the Buddha: Surpassing the Celestial Beings

Surpassing the Celestial Beings Author: Desher dhabodh Translator into Mandarin: Khenpo Sodargye Title in Sanskrit (sound): Deva Adsha Yadoza  Title in Tibetan: ལྷ་ལས་ཕུལ་དུ་བྱུང་བར་བསྟོད་པ། Title translated from Chinese: Surpassing the Celestial Beings    Om Svasti Siddham Buddha Shakyamuni The Buddha and Vishnu are not partyaksa. Brahma and Isvara are invisible too. Hearing and meditating on their form, practice, and power. How could I tell who has merits and who has not?  The Indian God: Vishnu Vishnu carries the Vajra as his weapon. And Isvara has fresh skulls as Garland around his neck. The buddha is the only sublimed being who wears the simplest attire. Except for this serene condition, who should I pay my homage to? The Indian God: Isvara Vishnu destroyed Targa and his Asura followers. Isvara demolished the City with Three Tiers. His son, Murugan, wielded a short spear and killed his uncle-in-law.  Only the buddha benefits sentient beings with virtuous deeds.  The Indian War